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Christmas Greeting

The blockchain year 2021 is coming to an end, and the new blockchain year 2022 is around the corner. Recently, somebody said to me that we are in year 11 AB (after Bitcoin). I would not go that far, but clearly the token economy has significantly gained momentum, and DLT systems arrived in main stream media. 

We would like to invite blockchain-enthusiastic PhD and master students interested in working together with organisations such as AlgorandA Better OceanCopenhagen Fintech, Danmarks NationalbankeToroFinanstilsynet, Januar, PwC, and ZTLment on use cases on Sustainable Decentralized Finance to register for the 5th International Blockchain School in Copenhagen in January 2022.

We also want to thank Industriens Fond and Mærsk for their support for the 5th International Blockchain School.

Registration endes December 19th. For more information, please read here.

The team of blockchain researchers at the European Blockchain Center would like to wish you all a “Merry Blockmas” and a very happy New Year!

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