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Join the Blockchain Student Group, Fall 2021

Photo by Fauxels, Pexel

The European Blockchain Center will host a Blockchain Student Group during the Autumn semester, allowing students and researchers from different departments and programs interested in blockchain to join forces. The Blockchain Student Group invites all university students with or without programming skills to participate. The aim is to create a collaborative research and teaching environment across departments and universities.

The blockchain study group will explore, collaborate, and share knowledge in a community-centred learning environment. During the semester, the blockchain study group will host blockchain speakers, organise live demonstrations and investigate potential student projects. Students will be given the opportunity to acquire an officially approved IBM blockchain certificate made possible by the European Blockchain Center.

Date and location
Kick-off meetings will be on the 1st of September 2021 in room 3A12 at IT University.
The Blockchain Student Group will hereafter meet every week from 14.00 – 16.00 in room 3A12.

For more information, please write to us at: kd.utiobfsctd@ccbe

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