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Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker: Master Card, 2022

Mia Van from Master Card was a guest speaker at the Service Economics course.

DLT Network Risks by Asger Balle Pedersen

We are happy to announce that Asger Balle Pedersen PhD at the European Blockchain Center will be presenting at the UZH Blockchain Center University of Zurich Seminar Series.

NFT Exhibition by Jonas Kasper Jensen

We are happy to announce that European Blockchain Center affiliated Jonas Kasper Jensen is presenting the first NFT exhibition in Denmark at Arden Asbæk Gallery and Martin Asbæk Gallery.
Student Group

Blockchain Student Group, Spring 2022

Join the Blockchain Student Group this Spring. The community will support student initiated projects and interests and host free blockchain presentations.
Conference, Nordic Blockchain Summit, Presentation

Panel Discussion at the Nordic Blockchain Summit

Panel debate with Mette Kanstrup, Jon Hasling Kyed and Mads Stolberg-Larsen, hosted by Prof. Roman Beck.
Conference, Nordic Blockchain Summit

Keynote Presentation by Addie Wagenknecht

Addie Wagenknecht from Algorand was a keynote speaker at the 5th Nordic Blockchain Summit, 2022.
Conference, Nordic Blockchain Summit

Keynote Presentation by Francis Gross

Francis Gross from the European Central Bank was a keynote speaker at the 5th Nordic Blockchain Summit, 2022.
Conference, Nordic Blockchain Summit

Keynote Presentation by Caroline Kaeb

At the 5th Nordic Blockchain Summit Caroline Kaeb from the European Commission’s Department for Communications Networks, Content, and Technology was a keynote speaker.
Conference, Nordic Blockchain Summit, Presentation

Blockchain Ethics Presentation at Nordic Blockchain Summit

At the 5th Nordic Blockchain Summit, 2022, Prof. Roman Beck gave a presentation on blockchain ethics.
Conference, Nordic Blockchain Summit

Nordic Blockchain Summit 2022

The 5th Nordic Blockchain Summit on Sustainable Decentralized Finance. With key note speakers from the European Central Bank, European Commission, Algorand, the Danish National Bank, The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, and ZTLment.