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Center for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law

In this event presents practical applications, particularly in the health and life sciences; and issues associated with the technology and its open source methods
Event, Executive

Blockchain Event – Optimize Supply Chain Management with Blockchain

This event explores the potential of using blockchain to optimize supply chain management.

Paper: Paradoxes in Blockchain Social Networks

This paper investigates the blockchain-based social network Steem and presents how blockchain technology can create paradoxes when used for social networks.
Open PhD Call

Open PhD Positions in DLT / Blockchain Research

This PhD research project explores how blockchain is changing organizations and their governance mechanisms.

Selected Interviews 2017

Interviews on blockchain in Finans, Børsen, Berlingske, Danmarks Radio, Altinget, Mandag Morgen, and others.

Paper Call: Special Issue on Blockchain in BISE

Five articles published in special issue on blockchain in Business & Information System Engineering (BISE).
Student Research

Thesis: Blockchain in the Food Industry

Kristoffer Just's thesis on blockchain in the food industry have been chosen for the IT University thesis series.
Event, Executive

Dansk Standard MorgenBriefing: Blockchain

At this free event hosted by Dansk Standard Prof. Roman Beck will introduce blockchain technology and explain the potential and use cases for companies.

Paper Call: Special Issue on Blockchain in the JAIS

JAIS has issued a call-for-papers for a Special Issue on "Opportunities and Challenges of Blockchain Technology".

Hyperledger Workshop

Are you a student interested in blockchain? Then sign up for the Hyperledger workshop hosted by the European Blockchain Center and IBM.