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Presentation at Academy of Management

Prof. Roman Beck and Assistant Prof. Christoph Müller-Bloch participated in a panel symposium at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

NFT Presentation at Documenta

On July 22nd, 2023, prof. Roman Beck presented on NFTs and art at the contemporary art exhibition Documenta in Kassel.

Presentation on Blockchain and Administration

Prof. Roman Beck presented the opportunities of blockchain and self-organisation in administration.
Executive, Presentation

Online Presentation on ISO Standard

On July 5th, 2022, Prof. Roman Beck introduced the ISO/TS 23635 on blockchain governance on the Standards Australia event.
Executive, Presentation

Online Webinar: ISO Blockchain Governance Standard

On June 27th, 2022, the ISO standard on blockchain governance was presented by Prof. Roman Beck.

Blockchain Fond Advisory Board Member

Prof. Roman Beck becomes part of the advisory board of Blockchain Fond.

Whitepaper on Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Prof. Roman Beck contributed to the World Economic Forum, 2022.

Blockchain Economics Course

This course focuses on technological and economic foundations of blockchain economics, as well as complex systems theories, market engineering, strategies and governance of distributed systems, and network effects.

4th bloxberg Summit in London

Prof. Roman Beck represented IT University at the 4th Bloxberg Summit in London. More than 25 research organizations participated to decide on the development of the Bloxberg network.

SupraOracles Becomes A Member

The European Blockchain Center at the IT University of Copenhagen is partnering with SupraOracles to explore future collaboration.